Plan został opracowany w oparciu podstawę programową wychowania przedszkolnego, program wychowania przedszkolnego „Trampolina” oraz portal edukacyjny „Super Simple”.

Cele ogólne
  • kształtowanie postawy zaciekawienia innym językiem i kulturą, tolerancja,
  • praca nad pozytywnym nastawieniem do nauki języka obcego,
  • dawanie dzieciom poczucia przyjemności słuchania i posługiwania się językiem angielskim,
  • osłuchanie z językiem angielskim, budowanie fundamentów wiedzy i podstawowych umiejętności językowych,
  • wystawienie dzieci na kontakt z językiem obcym,
  • stymulowanie inteligentnego zgadywania sensu wypowiedzi w języku obcym, pokonanie niepewności i poradzenie sobie z „obcością”, przedstawienia w języku obcym,
  • stymulowanie komunikacji niewerbalnej i werbalnej w społeczności dzieci,
  • rozwijanie sprawności mówienia, słuchania, zabawy ze słowami,
  • uwrażliwianie na język obcy i ojczysty,
  • rozwijanie inteligencji językowej,
  • zachęcanie do wspólnej zabawy, integrowanie dzieci.
Cele szczegółowe Dziecko:

  • rozumie bardzo proste polecenia w języku obcym nowożytnym i reaguje na nie,
  • uczestniczy w zabawach, np. muzycznych, ruchowych, w języku angielskim,
  • używa wyrazów i zwrotów mających znaczenie dla danej zabawy lub innych podejmowanych czynności,
  • powtarza rymowanki i proste wierszyki, śpiewa piosenki w grupie,
  • rozumie ogólny sens krótkich historyjek opowiadanych lub czytanych, gdy są wspierane np. obrazkami, rekwizytami, ruchem, mimiką, gestami.
Sytuacje i funkcje komunikacyjne
  • witanie się,
  • wyrażanie swoich upodobań i zainteresowań,
  • przedstawianie swoich umiejętności,
  • nazywanie zabawek, przyborów szkolnych,
  • nazywanie zwierząt,
  • nazywanie produktów żywnościowych i posiłków,
  • opisywanie pogody,
  • nazywanie ubioru,
  • nazywanie środków transportu,
Materiał leksykalny
  • kolory,
  • zwierzęta,
  • zabawki,
  • przybory szkolne,
  • członkowie rodziny,
  • części ciała i twarzy,
  • nazwy ubrań,
  • produkty żywnościowe,
  • pogoda,
  • liczby.



Spring, spring, spring

Spring, spring, spring Utrwalanie słownictwa z marca o tematyce wiosennej:

flower, bird, frog, rainbow, bees, tulip, kite,

it's windy,

it's sunny,

it's rainy,


Flowers, flowers,
flowers all around.
Flowers flowers,
growing in the ground,
Flowers of each colour
make a pretty view.
Red and orange and yellow.
And blue and purple, too.


Weather song

What's the weather?
What's the weather?
What's the weather like today?
All together! All together!
What's the weather like today?
Look it's windy,
Look it's windy,
Look it's windy, everyone?
Fly a kite, Fly a kite,
Fly a kite, everyone!
Look it's rainy,
Look it's rainy,
Look it's rainy everyone?
Jump in the puddles,
Jump in the puddles,
Jump in the puddles, everyone!
Look it's sunny,
Look it's sunny,
Look it's sunny, everyone?
Let's go swimming,
Let's go swimming,
Let's go swimming, everyone!
What's the weather?
What's the weather?
What's the weather like today?
All together! All together!
What's the weather like today?



Waiting for spring

1 Farm animals cow, pig, horse, hen, sheep, It is spring time, spring time again
the flowers, the birds,
it's sunny again
It is spring time, spring time again
the kites and the bees are in the air
It isn't cold now, let's got to play
daisies and tulips, the sun is up
the sun is here!


Spring time, spring time
I can't wait to get outside, cause it's
Spring time, spring time!

Winter is gone and I've got
Whacky spring fever!
Whacky spring fever! etc.


The ducks on the farm say, "Quack, quack, quack."
The mice on the farm say, "Squeak, squeak, squeak."
The chickens on the farm say, "Cluck, cluck, cluck."
"Quack. Squeak. Cluck."
The pigs on the farm say, "Oink, oink, oink."
The goats on the farm say "Meh, meh, meh."
The sheep on the farm say "Baa, baa, baa."
"Oink. Meh. Baa." The horses on the farm say, "Neigh, neigh, neigh."
The cows on the farm say, "Moo, moo, moo.
" The roosters on the farm say,
"Neigh. Moo. Cock-a-doodle-doo."
"Neigh. Moo. Cock-a-doodle-doo."
Let's try it a little faster.


2 Spring vocabulary flower, bird, frog, ladybug, rainbow, bees, spring,


3  One more time! powtórzenie materiału z całego miesiąca



Winter break

opposites and shapes big-small



square, circle, rectangle,


Roomba Room! Roomba
Room! Roomba roomba room!
Hey! Did you see my dad?
Sister’s watching TV in the living room.
Mommy’s reading a book in the bedroom.
Brother’s taking a shower in the bathroom.
Daddy’s cooking dinner in the kitchen.
Living room.
Bedroom and bathroom and kitchen
Roomba Room! Roomba Room!
Welcome to my house!
Living room.
Bedroom and bathroom and kitchen.
Roomba Room! Roomba Room!
Roomba roomba room!
Welcome to my house! Yeah!


I'm cooking some food in the kitchen.
I'm reading a book in the living room.
I'm playing my guitar in the bedroom.
Please be quiet! I'm trying to sleep.
Ok! After my guitar solo!
I'm playing my guitar in the bedroom.
Please be quiet! I'm trying to sleep.
Ok! After my guitar solo!

Winter break fun and games
House and furniture chair, bed, carpet, sofa,

bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, garden,

 One more time! powtórzenie materiału z całego miesiąca



Winter games

Winter vocabulary winter, frost, wind, ice,



grandmother, grandfather, grandchildren,

Frosty weather,
Snowy weather,
When the wind blows
We all go together.

Grandparents, grandparents
Grandparents are special
Grandparents, grandparents
Grandparents are special
Let’s gather together for a special meal
Let’s gather together to show how we feel
Let’s gather together on a special day
We gather together cause we want to say
Grandparents, grandparents
Grandparents are special
Grandparents, grandparents
Grandparents are special
We gather together for a special treat
We feed each other with good things to eat
We gather together for a special surprise
We come together for our family ties
Grandparents, grandparents
Grandparents are special
Grandparents, grandparents
Grandparents are special
We gather together for a special meal
We gather together to show how we feel
We gather together in our special tree
We give our thanks for friends and family
Grandparents, grandparents
Grandparents are special
Grandparents, grandparents
Grandparents are special

Love somebody, yes I do
Love somebody, yes I do
Love somebody, yes I do
Love somebody,
can you guess who?
Love my Grandma, yes I do
Love my Grandma, yes I do
Love my Grandma, yes I do
Love somebody,
can you guess who?
Love my Grandpa, yes I do
Love my Grandpa, yes I do
Love my Grandpa, yes I do
Love somebody, can you guess who?
Love somebody, yes I do
Love somebody, yes I do
Love somebody, yes I do
Love somebody, yes I do
Love somebody, can you guess who?



Christmas is coming

Ho! Ho! Ho! christmas, presents, Santa. reindeer, bells, snow, snowman, snowflake Snowflake, snowflake,
little snowflake.
Little snowflake falling from the sky.
Snowflake, snowflake,
little snowflake.
Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling, falling...falling on my head/nose/hand


We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Happy holidays to you, your family, your friends.
Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.
Let's clap/ Let's jump/ Let's stomp/ Let's whisper/Big voices!
We all do a little clapping.
We all do a little clapping.
We all do a little clapping. etc.


What do you want for Christmas?
Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa's on his way.
I want a train. I want a train. I want a great big train.
A train? A train!
What do you want for Christmas?
Christmas? Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
Santa's on his way.
I want a rocket. I want a rocket. I want a great big rocket.
A rocket? A rocket!
Prepare for lift-off...5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LIFT-OFF! etc.



Yes, I can!

Transport bike, train, bus, boat, ship, plane, scooter,


The wheels on the bus go round and round.
Round and round. Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round.
Round and round.
The door on the bus goes open and shut.
Open and shut. Open and shut.
The door on the bus goes open and shut... etc.

I ride on a bike
I ride on a bike, but I want to go faster
I ride on a bus
I ride on a bus, but I want to go faster
I ride in a car
I ride in a car, but I want to go faster
I fly on a plane
I fly on a plane, but I want to go faster
Bridge Ten,
nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, go!
I fly in a rocket I fly into space in a rocket

What do you do when you're happy?
When I'm happy I laugh
When I'm happy happy happy I laugh laugh laugh X 2
Ha ha ha ha ha!
What do you do when you're sad?
When I'm sad I cry
When I'm sad sad sad I cry cry cry
Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo! etc.

Can you wash your hair?
I can wash my hair.
Can you wash your feet?
I can wash my feet.
Can you wash your face?
I can wash my face.
Can you wash your knees?
I can wash my knees.
I can wash my hair.
I can wash my feet.
I can wash my face.
I can wash my knees. etc.



sad, happy, angry, tired, great, good,

 Body parts head,  eyes, feet, fingers, legs, arms, nose, hands,
 One more time! Powtórzenie materiału z całego miesiąca




Autumn brown, pink, orange,

umbrella, coat, leafs,


How's the weather?
How's the weather?
How's the weather today?
Is it sunny? Is it rainy? Is it cloudy? Is it snowy?
How's the weather today?


Five little monsters jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped her head.
Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said,
“No more monsters jumping on the bed.”


Rain, rain, go away.
Come again another day.
DADDY wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.

Weather sunny, windy, cloudy, snowy,

hot, cold

Halloween pumpkin, ghost, witch, monster
One more time! Powtórzenie materiału z całego miesiąca



Hello everybody!

Hello everybody Hello, good morning,

listen, learn watch, play, sing, fun,


One, two who are you?
Three, four walk the door.
Five, six let’s make kicks.
Seven, eight don’t be late.
Nine and ten walk li

Pick up your pencil, pencil, pencil
Write your name, write your name
Put your pencil down
Touch your book Time's up!
Touch your bag Time's up!
Pick up your pencil, pencil, pencil
Write your name, write your name
Put your pencil down
Touch your eraser Time's up!
Touch your ruler Time's up!
Pick up your pencil, pencil, pencil
Write your name, write your name
Put your pencil down
Touch your paper Time's up!
Touch your glue Time's up!
Pick up your pencil, pencil, pencil
Write your name, write your name
Put your pencil down
Put your pencil down

Hello Song
(Verse 1)
Every day I go to school
I meet my friends
And we all say
(Chorus) Hello, hello! How are you?
I'm good, I'm great! How about you? (repeat)
Na, na, na...
(Verse 2)
Every day I go and play
I meet new friends
And we all say (Chorus)
Hello, hello! What's your name?
Nice to meet you!
Do you want to play? (repeat) Na, na, na....

Colours black, white, orange, blue, brown, pink, purple, yellow, green, red,


Numbers Numbers 0 - 10
School supplies and toys

pencil, notebook, crayons,

doll, car, blocks, kite,